Bit of a story.

So was sitting playing one of my PC games the other night, the game involves making characters to complete adventures. So as i was sitting playing the game i looked at my character and this thought came to mind.
How does God see me?? Often i think God sees me in a shaking of His head in wondering what im up to at times. But to be Honest How does God see us through Christ.
And i thought of the picture of the character i made. Ive had this character for 13 years. First he was called Psalm after the Psalms but had to change it to Psalmmy but it often reminds me of king David. A mighty warrior for God.
And in some way i believe thats how God see us, mighty warriors (ok maybe not bare chested like my character but he is scottish lol) but mighty warriors with a blazing sword in hand and a shield to put out the arrows and attacks of the evil one.
If only we would see ourselves as bold embassadors/warriors for God we could cut through so much darkness. The word is like a two edged sword and can cut through anything that binds us and others.
I believe that God sees all of His church as people who can cut through all the heartache that goes on in peoples lifes.
Blessings one and all
